When I started making work that was bodily, loosely figurative and fleshy, I became interested in the idea of dead weight and dead flesh as a line of work. Instead of trying to give my sculptures life, I found myself leaning towards producing objects that were still, slightly deflated, and clinical. I pondered the death of friendships, relationships and parts of myself, and translated this into a series of objects and paintings.

My morphsuit, at one time a performance outfit that worked as a caricature of myself, is currently installed at my exhibition DIS PLACED, as a deflated, sagging corpse, flopped onto a table, trailing off the ends. My pink avatar has died, and I will find a new way to make her into something once this exhibition closes.

Other objects have been made with visible, brutal stitching,
rendering an almost Frankenstein's-creation effect, combined with lifeless plastic and my trademark pink materials.
